Alcohol is not the best thing to do when you are depressed
because alcohol is considered a depressant.  Alcoholism is one of
Americas biggest killers here, because it damages the body inside
and out.  Abusing this substance could kill.

People who abuse alcohol get drunk have many symptoms.
One of the symptoms that happen, a person may blackout or do
something he or she does not remember after.  Which is something
that is going on with your body and it is minor but if you were to keep
doing it you would end up having much more problems.  Hangovers
are something that you can get when you drink too much the night
before.  Some of the symptoms of hangovers would be headache,
nausea, and ill feelings.  Alcohol is a human weakness, many people
think.  Statistics say that about eight-teen percent of people who drink
abuse it..

Some alcoholic beverages that most drinkers drink is beer, wine,
winecoolers, or any hard liquor.  But these things can't hurt your body
unless it is an everyday thing.  The everyday usage of this can cause
memory loss, when you are doing that to yourself you are killing off
cells in your brain.  Alcoholic beverages can make the person start
acting different.  It could make me or she happy, sad, and even violent!
So any type of drink that has alcohol in it, it is a drug.  It goes straight
into your blood stream running through every part of your body,
making people act those ways.  But even small amounts of will get
right into your central nervous systems.

Alcoholism is a disease meaning a person is unable to stop
drinking even though it is becoming a harm to he or she.  An alcoholic
has a compulsion, an uncontrollable urge that make them keep on
drinking, thinking it makes them better but that is really the beverages
alread took over.  Drunkenness is seen a lot is a way to tell that the
person might be having a problem.  But not only does this ruin your
body it has affects on family and friends around them.

There are several types of cancers can be found from drinking
heavily; smoking and drinking makes it even easier for receiving a
type of cancer.  Heavy alcoholics are known to have a higher risk of
getting these types of cancers like:  skin, thyroid and breast cancer.
Other than cancers alcohol can eat away at organs that are inside of
your body like your liver.  The liver is a very important organ in your
body it cleanses your blood, but with all the alcohol in your system it
is harder to clean it.  Drinking is also not a good thing for pregnant
women to be doing, they are giving the baby exactly what is going
through the woman's body.

Alcohol is definitely not one of the best thing that you could
choose to do to your body to make you feel better about yourself.  I
don't think you would like to do something like to you body its
hurting yourself and much more hurting people around you that you
might care about very much about.  So why would you want to do
something crazy like this to yourself or anyone else?  Just remember it
is okay to do something once in awhile just don't go over board.